youSmiley - Japanische Smileys - Emojis

"Japanische Smileys (Emoticons) werden auch Emojis genannt"
Japanische Smileys und die uns bekannten Varianten unterscheiden sich grundlegend. Angefangen bei den verschiedenen Zeichen (letters), bis hin zum unterschiedlichen "lesen" bzw. dem Betrachtungswinkel der Smileys. Wir lesen unseren Smileys die Emotion von den Lippen ab, Japaner lesen die vom Smiley gegebene Emotion meist von den Augen ab.

(^_^) männliches Smily
(^.^) weibliches Smily (keine Zähne zeigen)
(^_^;) schwitzen (aus Verlegenheit)
(^o^;>) Entschuldigung (Arm ">" kratzt am Kopf)
(*^_^*) erröten (Scham, Aufregung)
\(^_^)/ Hurra! (mit erhobenen Armen)
(;_;) weinen
<^_^> lächeln
(?_?) Wie bitte ???
(*_*) Angst haben
(@_@;) staunen (grosse Augen machen)
(>_<) Autsch!
(-_-)zzz schlafen
(~o~) gähnen, müde sein
m(__)m tief verbeugen (Ihr ergebener Diener)
(^O_O^) Brille tragen
//^_^\\ Sailor Moon-Fan
 (^_^)~~~  Auf Wiedersehen
(=^_^=) mya- (a cat)
(=^_^;=) a cat which has cold sweat
(=x_x=) It isn't good at all...
(=T.T=) a cat which is crying
(^o_o^) a pig
(^0_0^) a pig opening his nose holes
(^_-)db(-_^) make a promise by linking little fingers
(-_-#) be threaten
Û(^_^ ) Cheers
(/_+)/ It's dizzily!
!(^^)! bingo!
(>_<) Autsch!
(-_-#) disagreeable
(._.) where?
(=_=) stay up all night
(* ^)(*^-^*) Kiss
o(><;)(;><)o strugle/wriggle
<+ ))))><<  a fish
(^_^)/ Hi
(^0^)/ ''
(^O^)/ ''
( ^^) Smile
(^_^) ''
(*^^) ''
(*^^*) ''
(^.^) ''
(#^_^#) ''
(*^.^*) ''
(*^^*) ''
(*^_^*) ''
(>_<") Ouch!
(>_<) ''
(><) ''
(x_x) ''
(><) ''
  (>_<") ''
(>_<) ''
(>_<") ''
(>_<) ''
(><#) ''
(>o<") ''
(';') a baby
(-_-;) with a handkerchief
(O.O;)(oo;) ''
(@_@;) ''
(°°; ''
(°°;)? ''
(-_-;) ''
(^_-;) ''
(~_~;) ''
(O.O;) ''
(/--)/ Oh no!
(/_;)/ Why?
v(^o^) Victory
''(^^)v ''
(;_;) Cry and sob
(ToT) ''
(T_T) ''
(T0T) ''
(T.T) ''
(/_;) ''''
(T-T) ''
(;_:) ''
(-.-)y- smoke a cigarette
(-¡-)y- ''
(*_*) ummmmh
(+_+) ''
(-"-;) ''
(-_^) wink
(^_-)--- ''
(-_-) zzz...
(-.-) ''
(__) ''
(+.+)(-.-)(_ _) zzZZ I can't stand any more to be awake…
o(^o^)o being cheerful
(`O`) sing a song
(~^~) I'm proud
(--)(__) yes yes
( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _)  
('_') silence
m(._.)m Bow his thanks politely
m(__)m ''
m(_ _)m ''
<(_ _)> ''
_(..)_ ''
_(^^)_ ''
o(^-^o)(o^-^)o Dancing
q(^-^q)(p^-^)p ''
('-') A small glad
(^_^)/ bye
(@^^)/ ''
(;_;)/ ''
(^.^)/ ''
(^^)/ ''
(^o^)/ ''
(ToT)/ ''
(^-^)/ ''
(;_;)/ ''
(**)/ ''
(^-^)/ ''
(^.^)/ ''
(^0^)/ ''
(^^)/ ''
((((((^_^;) leave sneakingly
(((((((^^;) ''
...((((( ((;^^) ''
('-'*) ''
(*_*) no good
(+_+) ''
(x_x) ''
(x_x)~ ''
_(++)/ It isn't good at all...
(^0_0^) a face with glasses
(^_^X) yakuza(japanese mafia)
( ..) look down below
(>_< )( >_<) no no
o(><;)(;><)o ''
( ^_^)(^_^ ) good friends
p(^^)q ''
e(^ ^)g ''
(p^-^)p ''
q(^-^q) ''
p(^-^)q ''
(`_') glare at you
( --)//~ being frustrated
( ^)(^-^) kiss!
(*^3^)/ ''
(^3^)/ ''
)^o^( ''
( ^3^)/ ''
o(^^o) (o^^o) I'm very pleased!
('' )( '') look around restlessly but curiously
(*_*) without emotions
(+_+) ''
(+_<) ''
(@o@) feel dizzy
(^-^)g good
(^O^)g ''
d(-_^) ''
(^^)d ''
(/_;) I'm sad
(_ _,)/~~ I'm beaten / you win/ hold a white flag
(^_^;)))))) hide oneself secretly
<(-_-)> ))) walk like a crab
{{ (>_<) }} I'ts cold
(°°; ''
(--)/~~~ punishment
(-_-)/~~~~ ''
o(><;)(;><)o strugle/wriggle
(^O^)g stone---the game of stone-paper-scissors
(^O^)y scissors---the game of stone-paper-scissors
(^O^)W paper---the game of stone-paper-scissors
........ ( ..) dejectedly
{[(-_-)(-_-)]} sleep together
(T.T ) ( T.T) help me~~
(^_^)-c<^_^;) I catch you by pinching
(;^^)===C<T_T) I pinch you: ouch---
(=_=) stay up all night
(((.. )( ..))) where? I'm looking for
(_ _,)/~~ I'm beaten / you win/ hold a white flag
(^_^;)))))) hide oneself secretly
(=T.T=) a cat which is crying
(=^_^=) mya- (a cat)
(=^_^;=) a cat which has cold sweat
(=x_x=) It isn't good at all...
(o_ _)o fall
(-_-#) be threaten
o(^-^)o tremble with joy
o(^o^)o ''
(^_-)db(-_^) make a promise by linking little fingers with each other
(/_+)/ It's dizzily!
(@_@) the glasses
( ^_^)Û-------Û(^_^ ) hello hello ---(telephon)
(-_-)B ''
(-_-)D ''
!(^^)! bingo!
(-_-#) something that make you disagreeable.
(-_-#) ''
(-_^:) ''


1 Kommentar

Kommentar vom 06.02.2009 von Test-Name


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